:) Who is the boss here?

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There are more then 2000000 Magellanic penguins at Punta Tombo, Argentina. Probably they feel  themselfs as owners of everything :). Shot this photo during our travel to Antarctica.

Ocean highway (Whale and penguin in one shot.)

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Whale and penguin in one shot.
Shot this one during our cruise to Antarctica next to Elephant Island.

The Monument :) ( Gentoo Penguin )

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My photo from our journey to Antarctica.
The photo was shot in Ushuaia, Argentina
So far Gentoo Penguins are my favorite ones.
Very funny and curious ones ..

забронировали экскурсию к пингвинам ( ($72 + $10) - на человека http://www.piratour.com.ar/indexEnglish.php  email info@piratour.com.ar  )
"следующая наша остановка Ушуая ( Ushuaia, Argentina ) - она же огненная земля - она же Конец Мира (  Ushuaia World's End ) помните мы уже видели ее с воздуха.............."